Monday, April 30, 2012

One Month Birthday and VIDEOS!

 Bradley is one month old! He is getting SO big! He no longer fits into his newborn clothes and we're not sure how much longer he'll last in the 3 month clothes. We went in for an official one month photo shoot today and this mom once again allowed herself to be upsold and got far too many photos. These photos will be posted soon.

In the meantime, enjoy the fun happenings and updates of the last week complete with VIDEO!

Love this photo of the hubby with Daddy's No. 1 Draft Pick

Bradly loves having friends come over to visit during the week! Victory!

Super Baby!

This video was taken when Bradley was just over two weeks old.  

Baby Fashion

We love his mohawk

We've switched from the blanket swaddles to the swaddle me attire. It comes with velcro, very handy as Bradley grows bigger and stronger and happily busts out of swaddles when given the chance.

Kittens and Baby

Bradley and his new gym. It's an awesome little baby gym but he is not yet super excited about it.
On the other hand, Layla LOVES the baby gym
She also loves being on her daddy's lap just as much as Bradley does

Meg scoping out the competition
Sookie loves to be on my lap while I'm feeding Bradley. Sometimes she can be quite annoying in her affection and I have to tell her that she can't climb over the baby in her efforts to be as close to my face as possible. Bad kitty. This will surely end as soon as Bradley takes an interest in the cats.

 Tired Baby

During the day, we generally have to wake up Bradley for his meals. Sometimes this is easier said than done. 
Look at this sleepy face. It is so hard to wake this guy up sometimes, who wants to disturb this?
What are you doing, Daddy? We were so cozy!

Tummy Time

He is super cute when we lay him on his stomach on our chests for tummy time. He makes excited noises when he pushes with his feet in order to crawl up and over mommy or daddy.

 This video was also taken about 10 days ago. Bradley can hold his head up for even longer now. The photographer at our one month photo session couldn't believe how happy he was on his tummy and said most one month old babies hated tummy time. Further proof of how advanced and smart Bradley is :)


First Bottle!

We are sleeping much better now that we can take shifts with the night time feeds. Here is Nathan giving Bradley his very first bottle! Bradley loves the bottle except he eats as fast as he can and milk gets everywhere. Greedy little bugger, no wonder he's packing on the pounds. We love how chunky he's getting.


How cute is this?

Baby Trauma

I may be a bad parent for thinking Bradley's sad faces can be HILARIOUS! He is quickly comforted after these photos are taken. But the photos must be taken.

Not a fan of his cool new camo sunglasses

My friend Cerra got us this awesome shirt and I was determined to send her a picture of Bradley in it. This is the best photo where you can actually read the text.

But THIS is the best photo. What are you doing to me, Mom?
Deer in headlights. I really worked on getting a non upset photo of him in this outfit but it was not to be.

Grand Finale - Baby Bath Time!

This was taken just yesterday. He loves bath time!

I really am planning on doing more regular posts in the future, there were some internet issues this past week otherwise there would have been at least a couple shorter posts. And now I know how to upload videos, so stay tuned for much more cuteness!

1 comment:

  1. SOOOOOO CUTE!! Thank you getting back on the blog bandwagon. These photos were very enjoyable!
