Saturday, January 11, 2014

Eleanor 6 Month Photos

We had Eleanor's 6 month photos done today! I had a really hard time just picking three I liked because this little girl is adorable ALWAYS.

For those interested in how the six month photo shoot went, Bradley was probably an angel and did not mind his sister being the center of the attention. He probably did not squirm in anyone's arms the entire time and the one time he was set free run to the center of the photo shoot area and jump up and down repeatedly while squealing with delight. That would be a ridiculous thing to think would happen. 

It's a token of how smitten we are all with this girl that we still think everything about her is cute. Nights have been a bit of a disaster lately. I somehow have to sleep train her with minimal crying on her part because loud baby cries in the nighttime wake up the Bradley boy and that doesn't seem fair.

Me? Cry in the night? You must be speaking of someone else.

We're happy my parents were still here for the beginning part of the sleep training. Although it's not like Bradley wasn't helping out too. Bradley is such a helper these days.

Helping Grandpa build a file cabinet
Helping Eleanor swing

Helping the snow

The last time Bradley was allowed in Eleanor's crib. There was a lot of jumping.

But then he helped her with her mobile. You'd think she'd be more appreciative.
Helping the lucky baby eat her cheerios.
It's so fun to be able to talk to Bradley and have him understand more and more of what we say. The other day at lunch he was messing around while eating grapes, chewing them once or twice and then spitting them out on the floor. I told him that if he did it again I would take away his grapes. So before I could do anything he rapidly crammed the six remaining grapes in his mouth (they didn't quite fit) and started laughing like the little goofball he is. I guess I've taken away enough things for him to know I mean business.

He also has been saying "go" at us and pushing at times when someone is bothering him. Lately he has started saying a distinct "go away" here or there. He definitely picked this up on the street because I don't think anyone at home has ever told him to go away. He also says "where go?" all the time now which is so much fun. We do say "where did it go?" to him very regularly because when a boy likes to throw toys he also loses toys regularly. He's enjoying his new found communication skills tremendously and likes to use them to boss us around. He demands a lot of chasing and jumping, shocking, I know.

A photo that should strike fear into the hearts of all mankind.

But we've also been having more quiet and crafty times lately, which is a lot of fun for me! Play dough and reusable stickers have both been big hits lately.

Solo play with the kitchen he got for Christmas! He loves this kitchen so much. I guess that shouldn't be too surprising, it IS food related.

I caught him feeding Pluto and had to take a picture.

One additional Bradley development is going prostrate whenever we ask him to do something he doesn't want to do. This applies primarily to getting diapers changed. He hides his head in his hands and then smiles waiting for me to get him.

These kids are crazy about each other, it's so fun to watch them play.

Eleanor tries to get Bradley's pacifier on his mouth now which he thinks is hilarious. I think we're going to put Eleanor in charge of weaning him off of it.

And Eleanor has outgrown all the baby bath gear and is now happily free in the tub with Bradley!

This does not come without its perils

Eleanor is loving eating although it has become apparent that I have been negligent in my mommy duties as she had not been introduced to cinnamon raisin bagels until a few days ago. That's right, I fed my 6 month old daughter a bagel. It wasn't on purpose, I was at a group play date for Bradley and five other little boys and decided to let Eleanor suck on the bagel a little bit. She went nuts and wouldn't give it back to me. The girl is strong, okay? I was very worried about choking hazards and so decided to see if she'd like a croissant instead the next day. Shocking news, she did.

However, I am aware that croissants are not exactly healthy baby food so she gets Cheerios now until I get a few other things worked out to feed her. The girl loves her carbs. Purees are okay but why eat vegetables when you can eat something else? Anything else really. Yep, that's my girl!

Eating can be such a puzzle sometimes

She's also been pulling herself up on everything lately and isn't exactly crawling but can move forward slightly if she's left on her own and desperately needs to get to a particular toy. But standing is what she loves to do best!
I left her sitting with her back to the sheep. Came back in and she was trying to climb up!
Big girl!

And much to Nathan's and my delight, she's turning into more and more of a cuddler! I'll be holding her and she'll lay her head against my chest and I'll think she's tired and ready to go to sleep ... but no, it's cuddling! Bradley NEVER did this while he was an infant so we are so delighted to experience having a cuddly baby.

Mommy's heart is melting!
However, this snuggly behavior does have its drawbacks. I've been calling her my little monkey baby lately but it's more like she's a baby kangaroo, she wishes to be attached to me always. Bradley was a little more self sufficient. And I am her special special person at the moment and if I'm in the room she doesn't see why I can't be holding her. It's sweet, but difficult at times. In other news, my arms are quite fit these days!

She's getting to have such a personality, we love both our children so much and it's neat to already be able to see some of the ways in which they are different. For instance, Bradley likes the kitties but Eleanor is obsessed and lights up and coos excitedly whenever one is in sight. One parent in particular (me!) is pleased (me!) and very proud of this (me! me!).
Meg loves!
Sookie helps put Eleanor to bed every night so she is much more permissive than the other kitties when it comes to baby cuddles.

We have the nicest kitties

And lastly, I know it's okay for girls to play with boy toys and vice versa. It's healthy even. But I am already tired of taking pictures like this of Eleanor.

Trucks and cars everywhere. Sorry, little girl. We will get you dolls soon! (She's allowed to like trucks and cars. But dolls, man, got to get the girl a couple dolls!)

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