Friday, March 16, 2012

Pregnancy - Due Early April!

Not too long ago, Nathan and I were happy newlyweds. We thought, hey, let's start to make babies sometime in the next year or so! And it was so ... pretty much immediately. Here we are about to go to a friend's wedding on Orcas Island in early July. We don't know it, but this is our last weekend before being PREGNANT!

 July 2011

 Even though we didn't expect to make a baby quite so soon, we were pretty excited about it. I took this pregnancy test on July 31st, about 5 minutes after we got home from visiting Nathan's family in Boise. I was pretty sure that I was pregnant before taking the test but it was certainly nice to have the confirmation!

 Plus sign on top means baby!

 Nathan was VERY proud of what he had done. Good job, honey.

 Here's a pic of my pregnant tummy just a couple days later. Goodbye flat stomach.

 Here we are out at a Mariner's game, secretly pregnant!!

 And at 8 weeks pregnant the secret is over, at least when it comes to close family. My parents, my mom's parents, and my little brother were all present for our ice cream cake surprise! On the same day we called everyone who lived outside of the Seattle area, except for my LA grandparents and older brother who got the news in person a couple of weeks later. Side note - my little brother literally ate 1/4 of that cake on the day this photo was taken. Also, as a testament to the quality of education in my home town, I had to tell the Dairy Queen people how to spell pregnant twice. Once when I talked to them on the phone and once when we arrived to pick up the cake and it said "We're Pregnat". Oh Stanwood.

 13 weeks pregnant - this is about when I mostly pouted over the weight gain instead of celebrating the growth of our dear child. Nathan had to chastise me in order to get me to smile for this photo. I hope my poor child will not be as superficial as I seem to be.

 17 weeks pregnant - I was so proud to have an official baby bump. Now I look back at this photo and laugh at how pregnant I thought I looked.
 Going to a pumpkin patch soon after the previous photo is taken, I won't get to wear regular clothes for much longer.

 Super excited to get ultrasounds done on November 21st to find out baby gender! I was betting girl and Nathan was betting boy ...

 And it's a boy! I'm more than fine with losing the gender bet ... this time. We will have a girl and I will get frilly outfits at some point in the future. And after being given adorable boy clothes at baby showers I'm very on board with this whole boy thing. Overalls are so cute!

Here we are a couple weeks later at our annual Ugly Christmas Sweater party. 23 weeks pregnant.

Celebrating my third place finish in the ugly sweater competition.

 In Boise for Christmas, shopping for a stroller. We didn't end up picking this one. I'm about 25 weeks pregnant here.

 New Years = 26 weeks pregnant. This is the photo my mom used for the Camano Chapel baby shower.

 Nathan and I went on a "babymoon" to Seaside, Oregon. It was basically one last trip of fun togetherness before baby comes and changes everything! This is at 28 weeks.

 Here's the same picture with flair!

Soon after our trip, we moved to an actual house with more than one bedroom (thanks Tina and Jett!). Baby items started arriving and Nathan was very manly and assembled them all.

I was not the only one who appreciated having some new furniture around the house.

 Some naughty kitties LOVED the new furniture, even when we tried to protect it from them by putting blankets over it.

 33 weeks along

 My belly button is no longer an innie

 Comparing bellies, I believe I am the clear winner in this contest.

 35 weeks pregnant. There's a whole lot of baby in there.

 And to think, I thought the kittens wouldn't like my pregnancy belly!

 More pictures will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks, writing this at 37 weeks pregnant so our little baby boy should be joining us oh so soon!

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