Sunday, March 3, 2019

Juliet 1 Month Old and Father/Son Outing

Juliet is a month old now. The children's obsession with her only grows. Eleanor was so proud to get to take a sisters pic in matching outfits.

Bradley makes a kissy face for most photos now and I love it.

More sister cuddles.

And Grandpa cuddles! If only this girl had enough willing people to hold her and love her.

On a throne of kitties.

So tired on Daddy.

Watching shows together.

Everyone vying for Juliet loves and cuddles.

Nathan and I got in a date night when Juliet was about two weeks old. We went to Panera and then played games with our friends the Krenns at their house.

Meanwhile, the other children. The fights over "blowing up" this balloon ...

Playing 5 Minute Dungeon together. The other day I didn't know if I should be flattered or offended when Patrick brought over a deck of cards and told me "I want to play that boring game with you!" Turns out he meant Solitaire. I guess it was an accurate description.

And now comes a Juliet and kitties montage.

Super fun story - because I wasn't able to take Bradley to the mother/son outing put on by his school due to new baby, Nathan took him to a father/son outing to Power Play Entertainment Center. We picked a Tuesday with no school so they could take advantage of a special where they got a buffet dinner and an hour of unlimited video games. Bradley was so excited, he wouldn't stop hugging Nathan as they were getting ready to go. They got there and Bradley seemed off his food and said him tummy hurt so Nathan sent him into the bathroom … stomach bug. They came home and Bradley threw up in the car when they were about three minutes from home.

Nathan and the kids ended up spending the next two days in the basement together because we were freaking out about two and a half week old Juliet being exposed to a stomach bug. We did this after Patrick came into my bed at 4:30 in the morning (Nathan was with Bradley) and he assured me he felt fine and then 30 minutes later threw up on me and himself and all over the master bed. I gave the boy a bath, took a shower, and hoped that was enough to keep me and Juliet safe from the bug. February babies. There are definitely pros and cons.

But eventually the sick ones got healthy again and rejoined humanity. Everyone got sick but me and Juliet, I'm so grateful that we stayed healthy. And that I know enough of what to do with babies now that two solo days with a newborn weren't too terribly tough.

Healthy boy with baby.

I was also glad that the timing worked out that we could make our church's mother son event that Friday. I nursed Juliet a bunch before we left and she slept the entire two hours I was gone.

The boys are wearing their matching big brother shirts. And there was much joy.

Patrick shooting hoops was so very cute. He made one basket!

Bradley cared not even a little bit about shooting baskets and the carnival game area is where we spent most of our time.

Meanwhile, Eleanor who refuses to dress warmly during the winter but will accept a blanket cape played board games with Daddy.

School assignments are my favorite, whenever I take a closer look I'm in for a treat. Bradley said "If I could get anything for anyone I would give my mom and Caroline a new dress because they are nice." I sent Caroline's mom a picture of this and she thought it was the sweetest thing ever and Bradley scored a playdate because of this.

Meanwhile, from Eleanor, "I can read books."

Eleanor won a good student award and was the first to get to go around with the giant Minnie Mouse toy the teacher brought into the classroom as an incentive to get the kindergarteners to behave. Eleanor was ecstatic to have won.

And wonderful Nathan took all three of the kids to a swim party for one of Bradley's friends. They had a blast!

Meanwhile, I was at home and decided to strip down the baby so I could get some naked baby time.

And then I put clothes on her and she smiled at me!

Eleanor helped me pick out clothes for Juliet the other day and then we had the girls pose for pictures together. Juliet did NOT think that fashion was more important than being fed.

Later with Daddy. She's so alert these days!

And with her doting oldest brother.

We ask the kids to sing songs to Juliet and Bradley only ever makes up original songs.

Nathan had a work dinner this past week and so we watched "Mommy shows" (Fuller House) together in the evening. We resolved the cuddle issues by having Juliet be on Bradley's lap, Patrick was on me, and Eleanor had poor lonely Meg cuddled up on her lap.

Bradley was thrilled to death with his cuddle buddy.

Later we sat in front of the fire together and waited for Daddy to come home. Sometimes we feel like we are being watched ...

Pretty crazy about this little lady. She's starting to make a lot of eye contact and there are little smiles here and there, not sure how much of it is on purpose yet.

A little video of 3 week old Juliet.

Nathan's standard evening. Reading and cuddling baby and kitties.

He read to all four kids the other night. They're such good kids, Patrick was barely even on the bed but he was very sweet about giving up his spot so Nathan could hold Juliet and I could go do the dishes.

And in wonderful news, Nathan took Bradley out on a make-up father son outing this past weekend. No vomit!!

Power play made hopes and dreams come true.

And we had a cozy time at home. The two younger ones played Go Fish under a Sherpa blanket together. Eleanor has been taking Patrick's education upon herself lately, she was quizzing him on how to spell "queen" the other day and hollered something about just sounding it out. Eventually she lost patience with his lack of knowledge and said "it starts with a G!!" It's good our children are pretty ...

And I can't believe what a sweet baby Juliet is. She'll fall asleep without a pacifier if she's a little tired and you lay her on her tummy and pat her back a bit. And this is while older siblings are running around playing Pokémon and yelling "Charmeleon!" and "Charizard!" at the top of their lungs.

She helped me wake Patrick up from his nap today.

And the other highlight of this weekend was sending Eleanor over to bake with Grandma Kathy.

Check out the cute apron my mom made her! The boys are very eager to have their own baking mornings with Grandma.

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