Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Kids are in School!

Despite not receiving much outright encouragement to talk about his "food baby" Patrick still brings it up whenever we talk about the baby in my tummy. We've talked with the kids a little bit about what life is going to be like once the baby is here (tired Mommy but I will still have plenty of time for big kids because babies don't talk and mostly just eat and sleep). In turn, Patrick likes to tell everyone about how they're going to want to cuddle his food baby once it's no longer in his tummy. Siblings have been quite emphatic in telling him "no!" As someone who has seen his "food baby" when it is no longer in his tummy, I can't really blame them.

I can't really believe he gets to claim to have a food baby sometimes when he is a little punk about eating any of his lunch. The cheese broke into little pieces and would zap him if he tried to eat it ...

On a different note, check out this amazing blast from the past picture I found from when I was at an OB appointment during my Patrick pregnancy. I was too distracted by the cute husband and children to notice the background of the photo ...

The kids all had their first day of school. Bradley and Eleanor started a couple weeks before Patrick. Eleanor in particular was very excited for kindergarten and Mrs. Clayton's class (she was Bradley's teacher last year).

However Bradley managed to catch some sort of stomach bug before school even started (!!!) and threw up half the night before his first day. So his first day of school became the day following the official first day. So much for a healthy start to the school year.

He didn't suffer too much though. We made sure he got plenty of dinosaur shows while he recuperated.

After being up half the night the poor boy fell asleep during quiet time.

But then he was back to good form by bedtime and ready to go!

I went on a cleaning rampage a few weeks ago and was confused why Bradley was so concerned about his missing spoons. Turns out they were used for his telekinesis powers for whichever Pokemon he mentions in the video below.

Bradley's first day of school!

1st grade with Mrs. Maddux. She has been lovely, it's going to be a good year.

And then Patrick and I were off for tennis and fun!

He has been begging for tennis on almost a daily basis.

He's quite impressive for a 3 year old and it's a lot of fun to play with him.

There's been a LOT of tennis. He even had a tennis play date with his buddy Mabel.

They have been enjoying a fair number of play dates since school started. We went to the Arboretum on chalk day.

He played at her house while I helped out in Eleanor's kindergarten class one morning.

And giving her a ride on one of the tricycle tractors at Deanna Rose.

He also gives his buddy Lauren rides. These three little kids are their own little crew these days.

This cute guy. He's really into water color painting right now, which is the most washable and least messy form of painting so I am a fan as well.

This may be my last bare buns picture of Patrick. He always waits to pull up his pants until after he has washed his hands when he goes potty and it's just such a cute little bottom but I guess he had noticed how often we were taking pictures of him like this and started to request that we take photos when we seemed to forget ... and maybe our three year old shouldn't be asking us to take bare buns pictures of him. Bummer. Don't worry, I still pinch that bum whenever I need him to go up the stairs a little faster.

Bradley anxiously checks if every child and adult washes their hands after they go potty in this house and we're trying to get him to lighten up a bit because Patrick sometimes runs around naked and he needs to chill out a little bit about bare buns sitting on the carpet while the three year old gets dressed (I don't know where he got this hygiene thing. Perhaps I need to channel it into some cleaning.) Patrick is his primary concern these days but fortunately the boy love is deep and once hands are washed there are many cuddles to be had. 

Eleanor's primary loves are kitties and Wellie Wishers right now. Here she is combining the two.

Meg was SO HAPPY. It's sweet to see the kitties starting to come around to Eleanor.

A few kitty pictures in this post! Layla literally tucked herself in under the covers when I was making the bed the other day.

This is how she prefers to sleep at night. Crammed above our heads on extra pillows. She suffers so.

Sookie is so pretty and actually looks skinny at this angle.

But she is not skinny, she is super fat and squishy and this is how she likes to snuggle when I'm reading Patrick to sleep for his nap. Yes, I often read myself to sleep as well. I'm playing the pregnancy card for this, although I took naps with him before I was pregnant as well.

Patrick and Eleanor are an amazing duo these days and I can't get enough of Eleanor geared up in her rollerblading attire.

She's a great teacher and I hope Patrick starts listening to her and doesn't have to go to prison.

This video is worthwhile largely to view Eleanor's very cautious rollerblading. Exactly how I would have done it. No need to fall is one is careful enough.

We've been tired with all the fun stuff going on lately.

Literally how Eleanor fell asleep a few nights ago. Nathan went in to check on her as we do every night before going to bed and this is what he found.

We went to a cub scout fishing derby right before school started and each child caught a fish before they called it quits and ran around wildly with friends instead. 

We're really excited about Cub Scouts this year, Bradley has thoroughly enjoyed each event so far and Nathan is going to be the den leader for the 1st grade group. It's a good group of kids.

Eleanor with her fish.

Patrick and Mabel fishing together, of course. Mabel's older brothers are all in scouts.

Cute pictures of me and Nathan at a wedding.

Still at the wedding. This is my one nice summer maternity dress so it's going to be in any date picture for the next month or so.

Like this one. Nathan and I have been getting a reasonable number of dates since my parents moved here! We got to go out for fancy gelato on The Plaza after dinner.

Meanwhile, my parents sent us this picture of our very excited children who had talked themselves into a similar dessert.

Having grandparents living here has provided many perks. For instance, I never allow Patrick to spray me with a squirt gun at the pool but Patrick has turned it into a fun game with his Grandma Kathy who is far too nice to him.

More Patrick swimming. The kid got good really fast.

Eleanor loves her new dance class so much and has been getting private lessons so far because she's currently the only kid signed up for Monday evening class.

Fortunately she doesn't mind the one on one attention. She adores her teacher and made her a card to thank her for being her teacher.

It's amazing how much she has been picking up while getting private lessons. I'm sure she'll be excited when there are more girls in the class but she's doing just fine in the meantime!

Patrick's current favorite two activities are tennis and playing near/in the creek.

He's only a little scary when he jumps from jagged rocks over a couple foot drop to get to the path.

We have a rule that you can't throw rocks in the creek (because we would dam it up with the quantity we like to throw) so Patrick gathers nuts to throw in.

Fun Patrick story: Patrick was at a science class where they were very cutely teaching children about tectonic plates and they got to practice figuring out of a substance was brittle or bendy just like different kinds of tectonic plates. Unfortunately for me, they chose to use food items as most of their examples. Somewhat ironically, the one food item they passed out was the first thing Patrick popped into his mouth. Play doh. The teacher and I both gasped as she handed him a small slice of play doh and he instantly put it in his mouth. There was instant regret, I laughed a bit hysterically because the other teacher was passing out chips at the same time and of all the things to put in your mouth I couldn't believe he had selected the play doh. But the joke was on me, because ultimately Patrick isn't a fool and the grimy marshmallow he had been handed at the beginning that had been on an unwashed tray and a number of unwashed hands was ultimately eaten by the child despite my fervent efforts to get him to hand it back. It was a MARSHMALLOW. You have to eat it. He didn't get sick and he is going to be a super healthy kid once he gets to school because he's taken all the necessary steps to ensure he has already been exposed to everything.

Speaking of which, here he is trying to tell me I have to eat his mud ball he made.

If his face looks naughty in this picture, it's because he's telling me how Bradley is going to be naughty later and throw rocks in the creek and he's demonstrating on repeat what that will look like. He was really proud of finding a way in which to throw rocks in the creek while we talked about how much trouble Bradley would be in when he did this.

I took the full crew of kids to the park one morning (I'm a bit of a fiend when it comes to getting a little outside time in each day, especially on the weekends). Everyone was hot and whiny and fighting with each other at the playground so we walked back to the creek and I let everyone get in because it was warm enough and the water was moving so it wasn't scummy. Great joy.

Of course, Patrick did try to do some actual swimming and submerged himself entirely a few times (against my wishes) so once again he's been exposed to everything and continues to survive.

They had picture day very early this year. Check out these adorable children.

We ran into a friend of Bradley's when we were leaving school and they ended up climbing trees. Can you find Bradley in this photo? Hint, Eleanor is on the bottom right and she is looking at him.

Then we went home and Bradley complained about the boring pictures they took for picture day so I had him demonstrate. This is what the school demanded of him.

And this is what he tried to do before being told to conform to boring standards. I'm with Bradley on this one, I greatly prefer the pose on the bottom. Check out Patrick being Bradley's little mimic.

Sweet Bradley. Nathan called me over when he was having Bradley look at something on his phone because of the cheek to cheek action he was getting.

Boys playing on the platform swing together. Still such an amazing thing to have in our backyard.

Superman riding his motorcyle. Patrick zooms on this thing now, he wiped out going as fast as he could around a corner and hopped up and hollered that he wasn't hurt. This boy feels no pain unless he has a chigger bite that is itching him in the middle of the night. That is an abomination and he requires 1AM soothing lotion each and every time he has a bite for the duration of the bite.

Latest fort. They were contortionists for this one, I was told the official point of entry was under the barstools.

I got an amazing video of Bradley and Patrick the other day and proved that at least in play, Patrick would literally rather die than be separated from Bradley.

It was kind of like a Titanic movie, but brother style.

I wasn't worried about Patrick going to preschool until the walk through day where he pushed any kid that got close to him or Mabel (she's in his class) and he refused to take a picture with or even acknowledge the existence of the main teacher. Luckily he liked Mrs. Davis, the assistant teacher. 

I dropped him off today and was only a little worried. But he was very excited and the teachers are very nice and certainly knew what they were getting into.

I got a good report at the end of the day and he even allowed me to take a picture with him and his teacher, Mrs. Bieker. Great success!

Pokemon is the obsession of all children in the Scott house. Bradley has been saving up his allowance and was ecstatic when he had enough to get a Charizard lego.

Playing some sort of Pokemon princess game as a group.

Eleanor also has an allowance and was proud to save up enough for Eevee and Rowlet (I unwillingly know much more about Pokemon than I wish to.)

Points to Eleanor for continuing to smile for the camera while simultaneously trying to push her little brother out of the picture.

Watching them play together though. It's just one of my favorite things.

The crew playing with the new Pokemon toys together.

In shocking news, Patrick is a stinker and delights in being an imp.

This is his cute face.

However the video of me asking for his cute face is even better.

Nathan and Bradley went to a scouts night in full uniform and I demanded lots of pictures. Many points to Nathan for delivering said photos.

And for the first and last time this year I went to school to surprise Bradley and Eleanor for lunch. They were both so cute when they saw me and Patrick in the lunch room, they were SO excited.

However, they do not have lunch at the same time and Patrick got very squirrely by the time second lunch rolled around which is understandable because we ended up being there for about an hour and fifteen minutes. Cute but I'd rather volunteer in their classrooms.

Eleanor has come home with quite the impressive Spanish skills since school started. She has taught me so much.

And then we discovered she knows French as well! I mean, Srench.

End of summer is okay. I don't know what I'm going to do with Patrick in the winter. He's covered in dirt (look at his face) and he's playing baseball and he's so happy.

Ice cream on our way over to Gracie and Natalie's house to play with their dog. A real invite we got one evening that we eagerly took advantage of.

We almost didn't make it because we found the neighborhood cat Chewie on the way.

Ivy had been left outside because she was naughty and wouldn't go inside for her family before they left for dinner. We hope she does this on a regular basis.

Although this wasn't my favorite activity. As soon as Patrick climbed on top of this thing I knew the other two would follow. Sigh.

Lucky Ivy getting so many loves.

And then the next morning at Natalie's bat mitzvah! This is Eleanor with Gracie. The only picture I got at the ceremony. We love these sweet girls. Gracie has lunch at the same time as Eleanor at school and apparently she comes by and gives her a hug every day. Major cool points for the kindergarten girl to get hugs from a fifth grader. Gracie gave Eleanor a mechanical pencil the other day and Eleanor was beyond delighted.

My parents have been gone for the past couple weeks visiting Boston family and had us come by to check on their house while they were gone. Wise decision? I think we left things in once piece. 

It's nice to have all three kids in school and get settled into our fall routine. Everyone is doing really well and they love their teachers and Eleanor has only had one major nose bleed at school so far. On the second day, poor thing. We'll probably know baby gender by the time I do another blog post, very exciting!

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