Saturday, January 24, 2015

Potty Trained Bradley and Jumping Eleanor

Bradley is officially potty trained! It went really well overall, he's been a little champ about the whole process. It is frustrating for him when we make him go in the morning before breakfast though, he doesn't appreciate any delays in the food process. He'll sit out on the toilet and yell "get OUT pee!" which is funny to watch but you also feel bad for the hungry kid. He does this for poos as well, generally when I mention his reward of animal chocolates for making a poop in the potty. "Get OUT poop! Get in the toilet!" There's lots to yell about.
Champion artist, champion kid
But the combination of potty training and church events is making me a little nervous these days, not because he has any trouble using the church bathroom, but because it leads to conversations like the one he and I had this morning.

"Bradley, I want to tell you a story! Once there was a little boy named Bradley and his sister Eleanor and they had three kitties ..."
"Big bad wolf!"
"Oh, you want to have the big bad wolf in the story? Okay. So the big bad wolf came and Bradley fought him!"
"Pee on the big bad wolf's heeeeeeead!"

I guess this is just the beginning of worrying about the stories my children will tell when I am out of earshot. We're still trying to stop Eleanor from pulling on her clothes while saying "naked!" on repeat. Yes, our children like to run around the house with no clothes on, let's just not talk about it during Sunday School, shall we?
Let's talk about blowing bubbles instead
We talk about baby Patrick too. Yes, we have an official name for the little guy!

Eleanor is preparing for baby boy as well, although she may need a little more training. Enjoy the video below, I barely survived filming it.

Nathan thought her aim in the video was quite impressive and was delighted when I sent him pictures of her shooting hoops at our neighbors house the other day. She's going to follow in her daddy's footsteps!
She started doing this with no encouragement from me, she just wanted to do what the big kids were doing.

That's our house across the street
Great form! Now to get the ball to go forward instead of backward ...
Our little stinker. My clingy child that lives for cuddles is also incredibly independent when it comes to trying new things and keeping up with the big kids.
Ponytail on the top of the head! I had to chase her all over the room in order to get a picture of this hair. The child who can't be out of my sight at home happily ditches me as soon as we get out of the house.
Playing with shapes. Looking like a doll child while doing so. Until Bradley came over and tried to take over and she started hollering "No, Badley!" at him and hitting him with the shapes. Little girl knows how to look out for herself.
I really do enjoy all the talking the kids do these days. Eleanor's new favorite word is "ick". We hear "ick" for everything these days. I'll tell the kids it's going to be time for dessert soon at the end of a meal and Eleanor will push away all the food she was happily eating and if Nathan tries to give her any she'll say "ick! ick!". Delicious dessert is on the way, she's no dummy. The other day I got some new clothes for her and wanted to try them on her and she told me "no! ick!" and then anytime she saw the clothes lying on the floor for the next while she would repeat "ick! ick!"

Maybe I need to get her a tutu. She likes this kind of new clothes! We tried this on at a friend's house and I think she was as happy about it as I was.
The other day we went on a bit of a pillow eating binge. She's lucky she's so fun, there's a lot of imp in these eyes.

And Bradley is proving to be my helper with tasks like meal planning. I hate trying to figure out new things to make for dinner but I'm trying to make a real effort before the baby boy joins us. I asked Bradley today for ideas for food to make for dinner and he told me french fries and cookies. I'm in! Genius child.

Bradley has gotten a lot more mellow in general and issues like hitting and pushing have largely gone away around other kids. However, we went to a birthday party recently and there was a boy probably a couple years older than Bradley who was running around with a toy sword. Bradley started yelling "Fight!" and "Get the bad guy!" and was trying to clock the kid with balls and any other toy he could get his hands on. The child was properly intimidated and we ended up having to save him from Bradley multiple times. If our kid wasn't so giant perhaps it would be a bit easier, Bradley is easily in the same weight class as most kids a couple years older than him.
Climbing a tree. Such joy!
 Both of the kids are jumping maniacs these days.

This jumping video is a bit longer but there's a big Bradley hug and smooch for Eleanor at the end.

And we can end on some Bradley and Eleanor buddy pics. These two are inseparable, Eleanor generally wakes up before Bradley in the morning and for their afternoon nap and she asks about him a lot while we wait for him to wake up.
Bradley checking out what Eleanor is doing with the toy drill
Bradley regretting showing interest in Eleanor and the toy drill
Art time. Chairs are optional.
Outside time. One hopes Eleanor has enough bats and clubs.
Popcorn and show time aka the best thing in the whole world
Bath time! Just wait until there's a third little Scott child to toss into the tub. Can't handle that much cute all at once!

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