Solids! |
People Person
Our little boy is a social animal. Which is great, he smiles at anyone and everyone and doesn't mind being passed around to strangers. But it also means that he gets very lonesome very easily. As in, he no longer is okay with playing on his own for any length of time. This is cute for most of the time until I'd like to do something silly like eat food or go to the bathroom. Bradley thinks I should plan for these things during his nap times. Of which there are few.He'd been more social at night lately. Well, he'd been waking up every few hours because he was STARVING, obviously. The poor starving child just had his 4 month appointment where he clocked in at a healthy 17 lbs 4.5 oz (95th percentile) and 26 inches long (75th percentile). Obviously he is wasting away. Side note - he smiled at his nurse after she gave him his four month shots. She melted. Apparently babies aren't supposed to do that. He loves people so much.
I had a mommy freakout moment over his obvious starvation from being limited to a liquid diet and called his pediatrician last Friday to see if I could start him on solids. They said go ahead. This was three days before he was going to turn four months old. You're supposed to start introducing solids between four and six months but it seems like it is supposed to be more of a fun trying out new tastes thing rather than getting food into baby. I wanted to get food into baby asap so he would sleep better at night and not be as fussy during the day.
I got the go ahead to try some rice cereal and the following ensued. Join me as you see first time parenting in its finest.
1) Trying too hard to record the memories. Turns out taking video and feeding a child for the first time is a bit much for one person.
2) Not having everything set up in advance. Bib? What bib?
3) Not knowing how to actually feed the child. I already have learned that I can't just hold the spoon in front of him, even though he'll cutely lap it up like a little kitten. You get it in the mouth and scrape the food off.
4) Nathan totally could have fed him more. I was a bit overprotective.
We had a great time feeding Bradley over the weekend while we were at my parents' house, here are some pictures they took.
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Eat, son. Eat, so I may sleep tonight. |
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Having too much fun to eat |
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Bradley loves it when his daddy feeds him! |
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Feeding time is good fun for everyone |
From the next morning. Food mustache! |
Fears of Constipation
And then I started worrying about Bradley getting constipated from eating rice cereal. I made the mistake of reading about baby constipation on the internet. NEVER look up anything related to babies on the internet. I was horrified and looked up foods that would alleviate the constipation that hadn't actually occurred yet. Came up with peas. Made Nathan help me make pea baby food for baby. Here is the result.And of course, here's the video. The very last expression on Bradley's face is priceless.
First Laugh
Another amazing first happened last Friday, July 27th. Bradley laughed for the first time! Of course it was with his daddy who was making hilarious faces at him. I got some video at the tail end of the laugh fest. I thought I was recording earlier ... oops. It's still a pretty amazing video.And since he has laughed for me when I did my mock you're in so much trouble buster voice while changing his diaper. Love this child.
Making Baby Food With My Mom
And a huge thanks to my mother who came and helped out today and made truckloads of homemade yellow squash and apple baby food for Bradley. The gala apples were a hit for dinner tonight! Should have taken some pictures. Next time!Technology Battle
Lost. I've already lost this battle. We had the Olympics on in the evening and the television was the only thing Bradley would look at while in the living room, even when we tried to turn him in the other direction.You also get a great view of Bradley's hair in this picture |
Only has eyes for the tv |
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