Bradley is three weeks old today! Hurray! We spent the day running errands, hanging out with my friend Jessica, and going for a walk together. A busy day for such a little guy!
Took this during tummy time. He likes it best when I lay on my back and put him on my stomach for tummy time. He can push his feet against my hands and "crawl" up towards my face.
Unshowered me with baby this morning. I LOVE how he's looking up at me!
Post shower me with Bradley. Much better.
Here are some fun Bradley stats:
At birth he was 7lbs 4.5 oz and 18.75 inches long
When we left the hospital the next day, he was down to around 6lbs 9 oz. It's totally normal for babies to lose up to 10% of their body weight the day or two after being born, they aren't attached to the food source like before and they have to do quite a bit more work to get fed!
At our three day appointment he was up to 6lbs 10 oz and they said he was 20 inches long. We thought that seemed like a lot of growth in such a short time but hey, what do we know.
One month appointment is coming up, any guesses as to where he'll be by then? I'm guessing in the low to mid 9 lb range. And perhaps 23 inches long? Like I know.
Happy three week birthday, Bradley! May you continue to grow tall and chubby!
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