Wednesday, August 28, 2024

School Starts, Dermatologist Love, and Pneumonia

This was my final summer of board game classes! They were great fun and Juliet got to attend all three of the classes I offered over the course of six different dates - each class was repeated twice so I just had her go on the days with fewer kids in the class. It felt like the right time to end the classes, the older kids all really enjoyed teaching them and Juliet got to participate at least, even though she never taught a class. We ended on a high note.

I love this picture of Bradley whispering strategy to one of the kids.

Nathan took the younger two down to the lake on one of his Fridays off from work. We've really been enjoying his Fridays off every other week.

They even got to have McDonald's on the way home. I think this is the first time Nathan has ever taken a kid to McDonald's. It was a very popular choice.

Eleanor had a Girl Scout event that evening and we met friends at the Cardboard Corner Cafe before going to the Johnson County Museum to see a panel featuring Sonia Sotomayor. No big deal, but they had just 8 questions they asked the panel while we were there and 2 were the ones I submitted with Eleanor's and my registration. One of the questions we submitted was about how Eleanor had won the yearbook design contest the previous year and did they have any career recommendations. Sonia Sotomayor said Hallmark and now Eleanor is bound and determined that that is where she will work someday. It's pretty cute. My other question was about which Supreme Court Justice was the most artistic and that got a fun answer. We were really unsure of what the event really was before we went to it - turns out the justice has written a children's book about being kind about differences and it is being turned into a play, hence the focus on the arts.

A very Bradley summer picture. Chips by the pool!

A very Patrick pool picture.

We watched Air Bud and Callie thinks it is the best movie of all time.

And she has been having a summer of love and friendship with Remy. It's ridiculous that he's just free to roam around the neighborhood but there are perks for a sad lonely Callie.

Patrick's season of Rubik's cube continues. He got a heat sensitive one that turns black if you don't solve it fast enough.

He taught the pastor's son how to do a Rubik's cube because what else do you do on a play date?

We had a swim party for the middle school kids which went really well. So nice to be able to use the pool for these kinds of events, although the kids got a bit tired of hosting parties by the end of the summer.

Locker day at the middle school! Eleanor's locker was so cute. And she can fit in it but her knees stick out so I assured her that meant the bullies couldn't shut her in it, because that's what good parenting is.

Juliet loves being in lockers.

Bradley ditched us hard and found other friends to hang out with and did his locker on his own.

He did show it to us at least.

Shopping with Juliet is a treat. She has such good taste!

Duplos are the toys of choice for the living room.

A scooter ride to the playground

Cute girls at the park! It was such a pretty day

The master bedroom is the other cool kid hangout spot in the house. It cracks me up. So different from my childhood. We really don't need this much house, it's a bit silly. Everyone likes to be in the same room.

Patrick's buddy Austin came over and helped him practice pitching one afternoon

I don't know why they were hugging and smiling like this but they both look slightly naughty. And adorable. 

Girl huggy time!

And then we had a dance party in the kitchen

Followed by pool in the basement. I really like playing pool with Nathan, I can't believe we don't do it more often.

Bros hanging out together.

Juliet went on a Ticket to Ride kick which was great fun. Usually she refuses to play the games and just wants to play pretend with the pieces.

Eleanor got to go to the mall with her friend Naomi and the highlight of the experience was a Photo Booth.

Meg has been cuddling up with Bradley more often, which he loves very much.

6th grade orientation day for Eleanor! This day was exciting because they had the kids go through a short version of their daily schedule but had incorrect dismissal times listed for the day and then it also turned out they had given 100% of the kids the incorrect schedule for the day and they all had new schedules the next day. Rather incredible. Luckily Eleanor rolled with the punches and liked the new teachers she met as much as she had liked the teachers on her original day.

Juliet accompanied me on a eye doctor visit for Bradley and we have decided maybe it's too bad she has perfect vision.

She was a good buddy

She and Patrick did really well at the back to school event for Blue River where they met their teachers.

I was particularly worried about Patrick but he kept running into friends and had a really good time

First official day of school for the middle schoolers

Callie was lurking in the window for all the first day of school pictures for Patrick so we went ahead and had her join him on the front step for his picture.

Juliet with her teacher Ms. Masten. We had a kindergarten orientation day on Patrick's first day of school.

Then we went home and admired Meg

Juliet got an afternoon movie. Callie got a much needed afternoon rest.

Nathan likes to have kids walk on his back and cuddle him in the evenings and it turns out Callie loves it when this happens as well. Please note the bone she brought over to Nathan that he is holding for her.

Patrick had his first baseball game of the season and played so well! He was really worried they would lose and be worse than everyone else but then they had a rather convincing win. Really we're so glad things are going well for Patrick, it can be a bit to switch schools in elementary school especially if your old school is very nearby. He's been very happy with the new group of kids.

Getting a hit!

Hanging out with the assistant coach in the dugout

Juliet's first day of school, right before she walked in. This was also the last day she was able to wear those crocs because she put a big hole in the toe while using the shoe to brake for her scooter on a big hill. We're planning on working on bike riding skills in the spring.

Then I went home and walked the dog, went for a run, and cuddled up with Meg while working on a family blog post. Meg loves school.

Stella came over to play after school. It was a good first day!

We park at the pool playground and then Juliet scoots from there to school every morning. It's a very fun routine.

Nathan had that Friday off so we went to Topeka to shop for a couch. I had a particular one I wanted but it turns out I know nothing about couches so we had to start fresh and we found a different couch that I now love (no cushions to fluff ever!) but it costs a ton of money and we aren't sure about dimensions so we're waiting a bit. The previous couch has lasted for 18 years, so this is perhaps a more important decision than the car we drive.

We went out to lunch and made it back just in time to pick up Juliet from school. We love Nathan's Fridays off!

Evening time was filled with kitty cuddles.

And Nathan and I went downstairs to discuss basement couches and Callie followed us and was perhaps just a bit needy.

The next day we had our final pool party of the summer and it was hot hot hot! It would have been great if the adults had wanted to swim but adults are super lame. Oh well. It was still a good time. It was for Nathan's company. 

I got in the pool and so did the handful of kids who came to the party.

It worked out but we're probably aiming for September next time so it's not as toasty for people who don't choose to swim. And we can use the fire pit!

Bradley had an assignment for school where he had to bring in a bunch of pictures of himself for a pretend instagram post. There are pictures of him with all of the pets and playing video games and none of me or Nathan and his siblings.

To be fair, this is a pretty cool pictures.

Remy has been escorting me and Callie on walks. I'm not thrilled about it but at least he hasn't been too much of a menace. I was worried he was going to drown one time when he decided to go in the lake water to get a drink but he made it back out and then vomited a bunch of water and rolled around in it. I decided that Remy might just have to die if it was a question of me carrying him to safety at that point.

Oh Callie. Such dignity.

Callie absolutely loves it when Remy goes on a walk with us. Remy will get distracted by something and hang back and I'll try to pull Callie ahead so we can ditch him but she'll plant herself firmly on the ground and keep looking back for her buddy. Callie is so loyal.

Nathan had a weekend of handling kids on his own ...

Because I went to California to visit Diana and Bill and go to a bunch of Shakespeare Santa Cruz events! The trip got off to a bad start with me losing at cribbage to Diana.

But I got to go on a bunch of walks, sleep a bunch, and read on the deck when I wasn't busy playing games with Diana and Bill and of course going to a bunch of theater productions.

Night 1: The Importance of Being Earnest. Oscar Wilde, not Shakespeare, and perhaps my favorite play of the ones we saw.

A nice Redwoods hike! Diana was out of commission after rolling her ankle on my first day there. Ouchie.

I found a new buddy but alas, I did not join the banana slug club.

Night 2: Hamlet. Spoiler - everyone dies at the end. I was talking about how this genre really doesn't exist anyone because it is perhaps a bit ridiculous when you have a stage of dead people at the end of a production.

We played a bunch of cribbage and tried hell bridge and decided we needed better 3 player game options next time. Or perhaps I would just bring a child with me to round out the numbers.

I did win hell bridge though, so that was good at least.

Final hike!

Hanging out in their garden.

Night 3: As You Like It. It was cute, but the acting was a bit uneven. I got to have a giant cookie from concessions though and the company was good so I have no complaints.

Meanwhile, Nathan had a pretty lovely time with the home crew.

There was nothing on the schedule for Saturday so he took them to Dave & Busters, which was a very popular move.

And they watched the next Air Bud movie. When Callie wasn't busy watching for dogs on the screen she was looking for popcorn tidbits falling on the floor. 

Nathan did church solo

Which was no small feat because a foam party took place that week.

Then I returned. Hurray! We hung out by the pool to celebrate. 

Grandpa dropped something off and got some bonus Patrick cuddles.

Eleanor got rather sick the day after I returned and so she spent four days home from school much to the delight of all of our pets.

Meg loved it when we watched the Anne of Green Gables mini series, which I did not realize was 10 hours long when we started it.

Turns out Eleanor had pneumonia. In August. Poor thing. She felt a lot better once we got her on antibiotics.

But she had to do a video tryout for the school play while she couldn't really talk, poor thing.

In the meantime, I took Patrick into the dermatologist for an appointment I had made weeks ago for them to treat the last few spots of molluscum he had on his leg. He was goofy the entire time we were in there, despite my efforts to get him to mellow out. I was concerned about him having raw open wounds on his legs because he was going down to Linn Valley with his dad right after this so I asked if we could have bandaids for the spots. They said sure thing and the nurse grabbed some bandaids after the dermatologist left the room. Patrick started squirming around doing his show off dance thing he does for me sometimes and said, "Hubba hubba, I'm in love!" The nurse turned a bit pink and said, "Oh ... I think I'm too old for you ..." and I died on the inside. Patrick was ready to declare more things but I decided to change the subject to our pets and how he loved them too and I got him out of there without any additional drama. He couldn't believe it when I told him he didn't get to stop at Quik Trip with his dad to get a treat after this. I mean, this kid. We had small group recently and he walked in doing a mincing snake dance or whatever it is that he does and said, "Darling! I must kiss you!" and started smooching me on repeat while he had a smug smiley look on his face. The other adults didn't exactly know how to take it and I really need to stop laughing when he does these things. I don't know why they continue to surprise me!

He had a great time fishing with his dad. Friday off from work! I think it lined up so Nathan got three Fridays off in August, which was pretty amazing.

Juliet had a play date and was only a little bit of a punk to her friend Bo. Another girl was also very sure she should get in on the picture.

They finally started playing nicely at the very end of the play date, of course.

Callie comforted Eleanor as she continued to be home sick. I think this was the day I took her in and officially got her diagnosed.

Smooches from a girl who wants something. I'll take it!

Bradley helped me take Callie on a walk and found out what happens when Callie sees a bunny. 

And wonderful Nathan took Patrick to camp overnight in the skid shed down at the lake and then they woke up in time for the fishing competition.

He won!

Patrick and the other winners.

And some bonus fishing.

A nap for a poor tired girl. The pets are so happy when we are sick, I love that she even got Meg cuddles.

And apparently it was really great dude time at the lake. I'm so glad we have the spot down there. It's the right setup with the skid shed and the amount of gear we have down there.